Launch of the free YaSM Wiki

  Published: August 01, 2014

YaSM-Wiki, the new, free Service Management Wiki for everyone in the business of providing services. The Wiki presents the most recent thinking in service management, including introductions to Enterprise Service Management (ESM), ITSM and ISO 20000.

For many years, we have provided an ITIL® Wiki in three languages and received a lot of positive feedback (as of this morning, the count of page views stands at exactly 16,751,264). So setting up the YaSM Wiki was a natural thing to do once the YaSM service management model was ready to be launched.

As with other 'free' content on the web, our motivation for providing and maintaining the YaSM Wiki is a mixture of altruistic and more mundane objectives. In particular, the wiki is intended to spread the news about YaSM and we hope that some of the wiki visitors will become our customers.

But everyone exploring our Service Management Wiki will quickly realize that it is much more than just another promotional site. We made a huge effort to provide a free introduction to the concepts and ideas behind service management, creating a wealth of unique and high-quality content.

The YaSM Wiki provides a complete overview of YaSM, including

The contents of the free YaSM Wiki are presented in a way that makes them easily accessible to service management experts and beginners alike. So if you want to learn more about YaSM or would like to understand what service management best practice is all about, please head over to the YaSM Service Management Wiki.


Author: Stefan Kempter