YaSM Process Model for BIC (Video)

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The YaSM service management process model is now available for BIC Process Design® from GBTEC, a process management tool that is used by businesses and public administrations for modeling, analyzing and controlling business processes.

In this video, Stefan Kempter shows how to import the YaSM repository into your BIC Process Design, and he provides an overview of the process diagrams and contents included in the YaSM Process Map for BIC.

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For some ten years we have provided our YaSM templates as Visio diagrams and as an ARIS process model. And now we have added a third platform: BIC Process Design® by GBTEC.

Why did this happen now?

Because we noticed that BIC was becoming more and more popular with businesses and public administrations, and customers kept asking for it. So it looked like an obvious move.

What we provide is a "real", native BIC export that you can import into your BIC cloud or on-premises installation. Then it's just like any other BIC content that you have created yourself. So you can modify and customize these processes in any way.

Importing the YaSM Process Map into BIC

To import the YaSM® Process Map in your BIC Process Design®, go to the BIC sidebar and create a new, empty repository with a name of your choice. Then open the context menu of your new repository and click on "Import". In the file selection dialog box, select the ZIP archive from the BIC_Export folder of your delivery archive.

Now it will take some time for BIC to build up all diagrams and objects contained in the YaSM® Process Map. After five minutes or so you'll see a success message indicating that the import has been completed successfully. Now you can find the diagrams of the YaSM® Process Map in the BIC sidebar.

YaSM processes in BIC

At the root level in the BIC explorer, we find several folders, or categories, as they are called in BIC, with the various diagrams included in the YaSM repository. The process folder contains the process models, and a good starting point for exploring the content is the top-level diagram with an overview of the YaSM service management processes.

At the top are the service lifecycle processes:

  • Service strategy,
  • service design,
  • service build,
  • service operation
  • and service improvement.

And at the bottom we find the supporting service management processes, such as

  • service portfolio management
  • and change management.

In this BIC diagram of type process overview, like in most others, we use two types of symbols:

  • The "Activity" symbols represent processes,
  • and the "Document" symbols represent data or information.

With the data objects we describe information flows between the processes, such as this one:

From service design we get a draft service definition as an output, which is a key input for the next process in the service lifecycle, where we build new or changed services.

I hope you will agree that, with these information flows, it's easy to see how the processes are supposed to play together.

For each process, a click on the link icon opens the next level of detail.

So to find out what's happening inside of service design, we click on the link to open the linked diagram with more details about service design.

This diagram shows, at the left, the inputs provided from other processes, and at the right the outputs from service design going to subsequent processes. In the middle of the diagram, we find an overview of the sub-processes inside of service design, again with information flows.

This diagram tells us that, as part of service design,

  • we first need to define the service properties,
  • then design the required infrastructure
  • and outline the implementation approach.

For each of these sub-processes we can go down once more to the lowest level of detail. If we click on the link symbol, this will open a BPMN or collaboration diagram with one or several swim lanes, representing YaSM roles, and activities. So here at this level of detail we get to see what activities need to be performed by whom in the process.

Language versions

Since the YaSM® Process Map always includes the English and German versions of all diagrams, you can easily switch between languages any time. To switch languages, click on the button next to your username. This will display the diagram in the other language.

But we stay with English because I also wanted to show you that you can modify and adapt the processes.

For example, you can add additional tasks to the process if needed. There are no limits, you can change anything in here as if it were a BIC model that you have created on your own.

BIC objects and attributes

Now, let's go back to the previous diagram again, where we can explore the details of a typical BIC object, such as a process.

If we select one of the process symbols in here and open the details pane in the sidebar on the right, we get to see more information about the process object. For example, in the attributes tab we have the attributes of the process, such as

  • the name,
  • the process identifier,
  • and the process objectives.

A bit further down we find

  • the links to the BPMN diagram
  • and the allocation model.

What's the allocation model?

It's a process overview diagram with a list of all inputs required by the process and all outputs produced. So this gives you the complete picture of the process inputs and outputs.

There's another tab in the details pane that shows the occurrences of the object. So here we can find out where, in which diagrams, the process occurs. This kind of information is only available for so-called catalog items, and in the attributes pane we can see that this process is, indeed, a catalog item.

BIC catalog items

Catalog items are reusable objects stored in the BIC catalog. If we click on the catalog symbol in the menu and open the catalog, we find that the YaSM model contains various types of catalog items, such as

  • activities or processes,
  • documents,
  • and roles.

In the activities section, we have all process objects used in the diagrams. In the details view of the object we can check out the attributes of the object, and of course we can also change the attributes as required.

RACI matrix

The YaSM® Process Map also includes a RACI or responsibility matrix in Excel format.

You are probably familiar with such matrices. Ours shows the YaSM roles in the top row, and down on the left we have the complete list of YaSM processes. And for each YaSM process, the RACI matrix shows which roles are involved, using the abbreviations defined in the RACI model. So,

  • "R" stands for "responsible"
  • and "A" stands for "accountable".

More about BIC® and YaSM

This was just a quick overview of our YaSM Process Map for BIC. If you would like to explore these processes on your own, please get in touch so we can provide you with a sample repository that you can import into your BIC Process Design®.

You can also check out the YaSM website and the YaSM Service Management Wiki for more information about the YaSM processes and our process templates.


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