FAQ: Service management process model

FAQ: Questions and anwers about the service management process model.

These FAQs provide answers to common questions about our service management process model - the YaSM® Process Map.

On this page:

What is YaSM?

The YaSM model describes streamlined processes and provides a complete set of templates for organizations that wish to adopt service management frameworks and standards such as ITIL®, ISO 20000, COBIT®, SIAM® or FitSM.

YaSM is not yet another framework or standard. It is a tool and time saver that helps you to get started quickly if you need to define your service management processes.

Where can I learn more about YaSM and the YaSM process model?

If you have never heard of YaSM before and want to know what it is about, we suggest you watch this video about our service management process model:

Then, if you would like to read more about the ideas behind YaSM or need a 'YaSM tutorial' or manual, visit the YaSM Wiki. In the wiki we provide a wealth of always up-to-date information about YaSM service management, such as

Can I change and adapt the process diagrams?

Yes, the service management process diagrams and documents contained in the YaSM Process Map are meant to help you with defining tailor-made processes for your organizations. You can change and adapt the processes without limitations.

Is there a trial version of the YaSM Process Map?

We can provide examples of the various diagrams and documents contained in the service management model. To request your sample package of the YaSM process templates for Visio®, the YaSM reference process model for the BIC platform® or ARIS™, please get in touch.

Are licenses perpetual or based on subscriptions?

Licenses are perpetual. There is only a one-time license fee, you will not pay any recurring fees after your initial purchase.

Do I need a license for each user?

Our license model is based on sites (company or organization locations), not on single users. As an example, if you intend to use the process map at your headquarters and publish the resulting processes to all company locations, then a simple one-site license is all you need.

If you have questions regarding the licensing, please get in touch.

Does a license include support?

License holders are entitled to maintenance and support services for the duration of one year. This includes free product updates, help with questions about YaSM and technical product support.

This level of support has proved sufficient for most customers. Extensions to the one-year support period are available upon request.

How can I purchase the YaSM Process Map?

If you need a simple one-site license, you can order it in our online shop. We guarantee delivery within one business day.

If purchasing online is not an option for you, or if you need a multi-site license, we are happy to provide you with a formal quote and accept your payment by bank transfer.


What is YaSM?      YaSM basics | YaSM tutorial      Trial version      License model