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<itpmch><title>LP4.7: Resolve problems | YaSM Service Management Wiki</title>
<itpmch><title>LP4.7: Resolve problems | YaSM Service Management Wiki</title>
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<meta name="description" content="YaSM process: Resolve problems (LP4.7). - Definition, sub-processes, process outputs, process metrics and roles." />
<meta name="description" content="Process objective: To manage the lifecycle of all problems, where a problem is the underlying cause of one or several (potential) incidents." />
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<p><b>Process name:</b> <a href="#Process_description" title="LP4.7: Resolve problems. - Process description">Resolve problems</a> - <b>Part of</b>: <a href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/YaSM_Processes#service-lifecycle-processes" title="YaSM service lifecycle processes">Service lifecycle processes</a> - <a itemprop="isPartOf" href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/LP4:_Operate_the_services" title="LP4: Operate the services">Operate the services</a></p>
<p><b>Previous process:</b> <a href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/LP4.6:_Resolve_incidents_and_service_requests" title="LP4.6: Resolve incidents and service requests">Resolve incidents and service requests</a></html>
'''Process name:''' [[#Process_description|Resolve problems]] - '''Part of:''' [[YaSM_Processes#service-lifecycle-processes|Service lifecycle processes]] - [[LP4: Operate the services|Operate the services]]
'''Previous process:''' [[LP4.6: Resolve incidents and service requests|Resolve incidents and service requests]]

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==Process description==
==Process description==

<html><div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/ImageObject"><a href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/img/yasm-process/Resolve-problems-yasm-lp4-7.jpg" title="Resolve problems. - YaSM process LP4.7" itemprop="contentUrl"><img style="margin:20px 0px 10px 0px; float:left;" src="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/img/yasm-process/Resolve-problems-yasm-lp4-7.jpg" width="633" height="381" title="Resolve problems. - YaSM process LP4.7" alt="Fig. 1: Resolve problems. - YaSM problem resolution process LP4.7" /></a><br style="clear:both;"/><div class="thumbcaption"><span style="font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Figure 1:</b></span> <small><span itemprop="caption">"Resolve problems". - YaSM service lifecycle process LP4.7.</span></small></div></div><br style="clear:both;"/>
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<div class="thumbcaption"><span style="font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Figure 1:</b></span> <small><span itemprop="caption">"Resolve problems". - YaSM service lifecycle process LP4.7.</span></small></div></div><br style="clear:both;"/>

<p><span itemprop="description">The objective of "<strong class="selflink"><span itemprop="name Headline">4.7: Resolve problems</span></strong>" is to manage the lifecycle of all problems, where a problem is the underlying cause of one or several (potential) incidents. The primary objective of <span itemprop="alternativeHeadline">YaSM's problem resolution process</span> is to prevent service incidents from happening, and to minimize the impact of incidents which cannot be prevented.</span></html>
<p><span id="md-itempage-description" itemprop="description">The objective of "<strong class="selflink">LP4.7: Resolve problems</strong>" is to manage the lifecycle of all problems, where a problem is the underlying cause of one or several (potential) incidents. The primary objective of YaSM's problem resolution process is to prevent service incidents from happening, and to minimize the impact of incidents which cannot be prevented.</span></html>

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<p><span itemprop="name" content="LP4.7: Resolve problems. - Sub-processes:"><i>"Resolve problems"</i> has the following sub-processes:</span>
<meta itemprop="name" content="Problem resolution processes" />
<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="YaSM problem management processes: definitions" />
<p><span itemprop="description">YaSM's problem management process <i>'LP4.7: Resolve problems'</i> has the following sub-processes:</span>
<p><b><span id="LP4.7.1" itemprop="itemListElement">LP4.7.1: Pro-actively identify problems</span></b></p>
<ul><li itemprop="description">Process objective: To improve overall availability of services by proactively identifying problems. This process aims to identify and solve problems and/ or provide suitable workarounds before (further) service incidents occur.</li></ul>
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<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="YaSM problem resolution process LP4.7.1" />
<dl id="LP4.7.1"><dt itemprop="name">LP4.7.1: Pro-actively identify problems</dt>
<dd itemprop="description">Process objective: To improve overall availability of services by proactively identifying problems. This process aims to identify and solve problems and/ or provide suitable workarounds before (further) service incidents occur.</dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span id="LP4.7.2" itemprop="itemListElement">LP4.7.2: Categorize and prioritize problems</span></b></p>
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<ul><li itemprop="description">Process objective: To record and prioritize the problems with appropriate diligence, in order to facilitate a swift and effective resolution.
<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="YaSM problem resolution process LP4.7.2" />
<dl id="LP4.7.2"><dt itemprop="name">LP4.7.2: Categorize and prioritize problems</dt>
<dd itemprop="description">Process objective: To record and prioritize the problems with appropriate diligence, in order to facilitate a swift and effective resolution.</dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span id="LP4.7.3" itemprop="itemListElement">LP4.7.3: Analyze and resolve problems</span></b></p>
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<ul><li itemprop="description">Process objective: To identify the underlying causes of problems and to determine the most appropriate and economical problem solution. If possible, a temporary workaround should be supplied while no full solution is available.</li></ul>
<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="YaSM problem resolution process LP4.7.3" />
<dl id="LP4.7.3"><dt itemprop="name">LP4.7.3: Analyze and resolve problems</dt>
<dd itemprop="description">Process objective: To identify the underlying causes of problems and to determine the most appropriate and economical problem solution. If possible, a temporary workaround should be supplied while no full solution is available.</dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span id="LP4.7.4" itemprop="itemListElement">LP4.7.4: Monitor outstanding problems</span></b></p>
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<ul><li itemprop="description">Process objective: To constantly monitor outstanding problems with regards to their processing status, and to take corrective action as required.</li></ul>
<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="YaSM problem resolution process LP4.7.4" />
<dl id="LP4.7.4"><dt itemprop="name">LP4.7.4: Monitor outstanding problems</dt>
<dd itemprop="description">Process objective: To constantly monitor outstanding problems with regards to their processing status, and to take corrective action as required.</dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span id="LP4.7.5" itemprop="itemListElement">LP4.7.5: Close problems</span></b></p>
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<ul><li itemprop="description">Process objective: To ensure that the problem resolution has been successful and all related information is up-to-date.</li></ul>
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<dl id="LP4.7.5"><dt itemprop="name">LP4.7.5: Close problems</dt>
<dd itemprop="description">Process objective: To ensure that the problem resolution has been successful and all related information is up-to-date.</dd></dl>
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==Process outputs==
==Process outputs==

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<meta itemprop="itemListOrder" content="Ascending" />
<meta itemprop="name" content="YaSM process LP4.7: documents and records" />
<p>This section lists the <span itemprop="name">documents and records produced by <i>"Resolve problems"</i></span>. YaSM data objects <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a> are marked with an asterisk, while other objects are displayed in gray.</p>
<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="Problem resolution process outputs" />
<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="Problem resolution data objects" />
<p><span itemprop="description">This section lists the documents and records produced by <i>'Resolve problems'</i>.</span> YaSM data objects <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a> are marked with an asterisk, while other objects are displayed in gray.</p>
<p><b><span itemprop="itemListElement">Incident model</span></b> <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></p>
<dl><dt>Incident model</dt>
<ul><li itemprop="description">An incident model contains the pre-defined steps that should be taken for dealing with a particular type of incident. The aim of providing incident models is to ensure that recurring incidents are handled efficiently and effectively.</li></ul>
<dd>An incident model contains the pre-defined steps that should be taken for dealing with a particular type of incident. The aim of providing incident models is to ensure that recurring incidents are handled efficiently and effectively. <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span id="Problem-record" itemprop="itemListElement">Problem record</span></b> <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></p>
<dl id="Problem-record"><dt>Problem record</dt>
<ul><li itemprop="description">A set of data with all details of a problem, documenting the history of the problem from registration to closure. A problem is defined as the underlying cause of one or more (potential) incidents, although the cause may not be known at the time a problem record is created. Often, a workaround is provided for a problem while a full resolution is not yet available.</li></ul>
<dd>A set of data with all details of a problem, documenting the history of the problem from registration to closure. A problem is defined as the underlying cause of one or more (potential) incidents, although the cause may not be known at the time a problem record is created. Often, a workaround is provided for a problem while a full resolution is not yet available. <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span itemprop="itemListElement">Recovery plan</span></b> <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></p>
<dl><dt>Recovery plan</dt>
<ul><li itemprop="description">Recovery plans contain detailed instructions for returning specific services and/ or systems to a working state, which often includes recovering data to a defined consistent state.</li></ul>
<dd>Recovery plans contain detailed instructions for returning specific services and/ or systems to a working state, which often includes recovering data to a defined consistent state. <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span itemprop="itemListElement">Service operation manual</span></b> <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></p>
<dl><dt>Service operation manual</dt>
<ul><li itemprop="description">A service operation manual specifies the activities required for the operation of a service and its underlying infrastructure. The information in the service operation manual is meant to describe the day-to-day tasks in a way that is useful for operational staff. Some instructions related to the operation of particular applications, systems or other infrastructure components may be documented in separate technical manuals or 'standard operating procedures (SOPs)'.</li></ul>
<dd>A service operation manual specifies the activities required for the operation of a service and its underlying infrastructure. The information in the service operation manual is meant to describe the day-to-day tasks in a way that is useful for operational staff. Some instructions related to the operation of particular applications, systems or other infrastructure components may be documented in separate technical manuals or 'standard operating procedures (SOPs)'. <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span itemprop="itemListElement" style="color:#636363">Suggested process modification</span></b></p>
<dl style="color:#636363"><dt>Suggested process modification</dt>
<ul><li itemprop="description" style="color:#636363">A suggestion for modifying one or several service management processes. Suggestions for process modifications or improvements may originate from anywhere within the organization.</li></ul>
<dd>A suggestion for modifying one or several service management processes. Suggestions for process modifications or improvements may originate from anywhere within the organization.</dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span itemprop="itemListElement" style="color:#636363">Suggested service modification</span></b></p>
<dl style="color:#636363"><dt>Suggested service modification</dt>
<ul><li itemprop="description" style="color:#636363">A suggestion for modifying a service, for example to improve service quality or economics. Suggestions may originate from anywhere within or outside of the service provider organization.</li></ul>
<dd>A suggestion for modifying a service, for example to improve service quality or economics. Suggestions may originate from anywhere within or outside of the service provider organization.</dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span itemprop="itemListElement" style="color:#636363">Support request</span></b></p>
<dl style="color:#636363"><dt>Support request</dt>
<ul><li itemprop="description" style="color:#636363">A request to support the resolution of an incident or problem, usually issued from the incident or problem manager when further assistance is needed from technical experts or external suppliers.</li></ul>
<dd>A request to support the resolution of an incident or problem, usually issued from the incident or problem manager when further assistance is needed from technical experts or external suppliers.</dd></dl>
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<html><p>Process metrics are used, for example, to assess if the service management processes are running according to expectations.</p>
<html><p>Process metrics are used, for example, to assess if the service management processes are running according to expectations.</p>
<p>For suggestions of <a itemprop="significantLinks" href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/YaSM_Metrics" title="How to measure the performance of the YaSM processes - Process metrics">suitable metrics</a>, please refer to the <a itemprop="significantLinks" href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/YaSM_Metrics/_Service_Lifecycle_Processes#metrics-lp4.7" title="Metrics for the YaSM process LP4.7: Resolve problems.">list of metrics for the problem resolution process</a>.</html>
<p>For suggestions of <a href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/YaSM_Metrics" title="How to measure the performance of the YaSM processes - Process metrics">suitable metrics</a>, please refer to the <a href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/YaSM_Metrics/_Service_Lifecycle_Processes#metrics-lp4.7" title="Metrics for the YaSM process LP4.7: Resolve problems.">list of metrics for the problem resolution process</a>.</html>

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==[ Infobox ]==
== Notes ==
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<div style="margin-left: 30%; color:#636363">
<p style="margin-top: 0;">Is based on: The problem resolution process from the <a href="https://yasm.com/en/products/yasm-process-map" title="YaSM Process Map">YaSM Process Map</a>.</p>

<html><table class="wikitable">
<p><small>By:&#160;&#160;Stefan Kempter&#160;<a rel="author" href="https://plus.google.com/111925560448291102517/about"><img style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" src="/wiki/en/img/yasm-wiki/bookmarking/google.jpg" width="16" height="16" title="By: Stefan Kempter | Profile on Google+" alt="Author: Stefan Kempter, IT Process Maps GbR" /></a>&#160;&#160;and&#160;&#160;Andrea Kempter&#160;<a href="https://plus.google.com/113316270668629760475/about"><img style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" src="/wiki/en/img/yasm-wiki/bookmarking/google.jpg" width="16" height="16" title="By: Andrea Kempter | Profile on Google+" alt="Contributor: Andrea Kempter, IT Process Maps GbR" /></a>, IT Process Maps.</small><br style="clear:both;"/></div><p></html>
<td>Link to this page:</td>
<td><a itemprop="url" href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/LP4.7:_Resolve_problems">https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/L4.7:_Resolve_problems</a></td>
==Related blog posts==
<html><a href="https://yasm.com/en/blog/service-operation-yasm"><img src="https://yasm.com/en/content/blog/150729-service-operation-yasm/img-180x110.jpg" alt="Operational processes, and in particular incident management and problem management, are probably the most widely known (and used) parts of ITSM best practice." style="display: block; float: left; margin-right: 10px"/></a>
<td><span itemprop="inLanguage" content="en">English</span> | <span><a itemprop="citation" class="external TEXT" href="https://yasm.com/wiki/de/index.php/LP4.7:_L%C3%B6sen_von_Problemen" title="LP4.7: Lösen von Problemen">Deutsch</a></span></td>
<div style="margin-left: 30%; color:#636363">
<p style="margin-top: 0;"><a href="https://yasm.com/en/blog/service-operation-yasm">Service operation according to YaSM</a></p>
<p><small>by: Stefan Kempter</small></p>
<p>Operational processes, and in particular incident management and problem management, are probably the most widely known (and used) parts of IT service management best practice. <a href="https://yasm.com/en/blog/service-operation-yasm">[...]</a></p></div><p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a itemprop="primaryImageOfPage" href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/img/yasm-process/Resolve-problems-yasm-lp4-7.jpg" title="Resolve problems. - YaSM process LP4.7">YaSM LP4.7: Resolve problems (.JPG)</a></td>
<td>Author | Contributor:</td>
<td><span itemprop="author">Stefan Kempter</span>&nbsp;<a rel="author" href="https://plus.google.com/111925560448291102517"><img style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" src="/wiki/en/img/yasm-wiki/bookmarking/google.jpg" width="16" height="16" title="By: Stefan Kempter | Profile on Google+" alt="Author: Stefan Kempter, IT Process Maps GbR" /></a> &nbsp; and <span itemprop="contributor">Andrea Kempter</span>&nbsp;<a href="https://plus.google.com/113316270668629760475"><img style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" src="/wiki/en/img/yasm-wiki/bookmarking/google.jpg" width="16" height="16" title="By: Andrea Kempter | Profile on Google+" alt="Contributor: Andrea Kempter, IT Process Maps GbR" /></a> &nbsp; - &nbsp; <span itemprop="creator copyrightHolder publisher">IT Process Maps</span>.</td>

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Revision as of 10:57, 15 November 2016

auf Deutsch


Process name: Resolve problems - Part of: Service lifecycle processes - Operate the services

Previous process: Resolve incidents and service requests


Process description

Fig. 1: Resolve problems. - YaSM problem resolution process LP4.7
Figure 1: "Resolve problems". - YaSM service lifecycle process LP4.7.

The objective of "LP4.7: Resolve problems" is to manage the lifecycle of all problems, where a problem is the underlying cause of one or several (potential) incidents. The primary objective of YaSM's problem resolution process is to prevent service incidents from happening, and to minimize the impact of incidents which cannot be prevented.



YaSM's problem management process 'LP4.7: Resolve problems' has the following sub-processes:


LP4.7.1: Pro-actively identify problems
Process objective: To improve overall availability of services by proactively identifying problems. This process aims to identify and solve problems and/ or provide suitable workarounds before (further) service incidents occur.

LP4.7.2: Categorize and prioritize problems
Process objective: To record and prioritize the problems with appropriate diligence, in order to facilitate a swift and effective resolution.

LP4.7.3: Analyze and resolve problems
Process objective: To identify the underlying causes of problems and to determine the most appropriate and economical problem solution. If possible, a temporary workaround should be supplied while no full solution is available.

LP4.7.4: Monitor outstanding problems
Process objective: To constantly monitor outstanding problems with regards to their processing status, and to take corrective action as required.

LP4.7.5: Close problems
Process objective: To ensure that the problem resolution has been successful and all related information is up-to-date.


Process outputs

This section lists the documents and records produced by 'Resolve problems'. YaSM data objects [*] are marked with an asterisk, while other objects are displayed in gray.


Incident model
An incident model contains the pre-defined steps that should be taken for dealing with a particular type of incident. The aim of providing incident models is to ensure that recurring incidents are handled efficiently and effectively. [*]

Problem record
A set of data with all details of a problem, documenting the history of the problem from registration to closure. A problem is defined as the underlying cause of one or more (potential) incidents, although the cause may not be known at the time a problem record is created. Often, a workaround is provided for a problem while a full resolution is not yet available. [*]

Recovery plan
Recovery plans contain detailed instructions for returning specific services and/ or systems to a working state, which often includes recovering data to a defined consistent state. [*]

Service operation manual
A service operation manual specifies the activities required for the operation of a service and its underlying infrastructure. The information in the service operation manual is meant to describe the day-to-day tasks in a way that is useful for operational staff. Some instructions related to the operation of particular applications, systems or other infrastructure components may be documented in separate technical manuals or 'standard operating procedures (SOPs)'. [*]

Suggested process modification
A suggestion for modifying one or several service management processes. Suggestions for process modifications or improvements may originate from anywhere within the organization.

Suggested service modification
A suggestion for modifying a service, for example to improve service quality or economics. Suggestions may originate from anywhere within or outside of the service provider organization.

Support request
A request to support the resolution of an incident or problem, usually issued from the incident or problem manager when further assistance is needed from technical experts or external suppliers.



[*] "YaSM data objects" are those documents or records for which the YaSM model provides detailed recommendations: Every YaSM object has an associated checklist (see example) describing its typical contents, and an associated lifecycle diagram depicting how the status of the object changes as it is created, updated, read and archived by various YaSM processes (see example).

"Other objects" are mostly informal data or information where YaSM has less strong views about their contents. There are no associated lifecycle diagrams or checklists.


Process metrics

Process metrics are used, for example, to assess if the service management processes are running according to expectations.

For suggestions of suitable metrics, please refer to the list of metrics for the problem resolution process.


Roles and responsibilities

Process owner: Problem manager

  • The problem manager is responsible for managing the lifecycle of all problems, where the primary objective is to prevent incidents from happening if possible, and to minimize the impact of incidents that cannot be prevented. Apart from resolving the underlying causes of (potential) incidents, the problem manager often provides workarounds while a full solution is not yet available.


Responsibility matrix: "LP4.7: Resolve problems"
YaSM role / sub-process Problem manager Service owner Technical domain expert
LP4.7.1 Pro-actively identify problems AR - -
LP4.7.2 Categorize and prioritize problems AR - -
LP4.7.3 Analyze and resolve problems AR R R
LP4.7.4 Monitor outstanding problems AR - -
LP4.7.5 Close problems AR - -



YaSM LP4.7: Resolve problems. - Thumbnail.

Is based on: The problem resolution process from the YaSM Process Map.

By:  Stefan Kempter   and  Andrea Kempter Contributor: Andrea Kempter, IT Process Maps GbR, IT Process Maps.


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