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<p><b>Process name:</b> <a href="#Process_description" title="SP10: Manage human resources - Process description">Manage human resources</a> - <b>Part of</b>: <a itemprop="isPartOf" href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/YaSM_Processes#supporting-service-management-processes" title="YaSM supporting service management processes">Supporting service management processes</a></p>
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==Process description==
==Process description==

<html><div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/ImageObject"><a href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/img/yasm-process/Manage-human-resources-yasm-sp10.jpg" title="Manage human resources. - YaSM process SP10" itemprop="contentUrl"><img style="margin:20px 0px 10px 0px; float:left;" src="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/img/yasm-process/Manage-human-resources-yasm-sp10.jpg" width="647" height="305" title="Manage human resources. - YaSM process SP10" alt="Fig. 1: Manage human resources. - YaSM Human Resources Management (HR) process SP10." /></a><br style="clear:both;"/><div class="thumbcaption"><span style="font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Figure 1:</b></span> <small><span itemprop="caption">"Manage human resources". - YaSM supporting service management process SP10.</span></small></div></div><br style="clear:both;"/>
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<div class="thumbcaption"><span style="font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Figure 1:</b></span> <small><span itemprop="caption">"Manage human resources". - YaSM supporting service management process SP10.</span></small></div></div><br style="clear:both;"/>

<p><span itemprop="description"><span itemprop="alternativeHeadline">YaSM's process for managing human resources</span> ("<strong class="selflink"><span itemprop="name Headline">SP10: Manage human resources</span></strong>") identifies and provides the skills and levels of staff required for the service provider to achieve its objectives.</span></p>
<p><span id="md-itempage-description" itemprop="description">YaSM's process for managing human resources ("<strong class="selflink">SP10: Manage human resources</strong>") identifies and provides the skills and levels of staff required for the service provider to achieve its objectives.</span></p>

<p>Once the set of required skills is established, the human resources manager will initiate suitable measures to acquire those skills, for example by organizing training and education programs or by recruiting new staff.</p>
<p>Once the set of required skills is established, the human resources manager will initiate suitable measures to acquire those skills, for example by organizing training and education programs or by recruiting new staff.</p>
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<meta itemprop="itemListOrder" content="Ascending" />
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<p><span itemprop="name" content="SP10: Manage human resources. - Sub-processes:"><i>"Manage human resources"</i> has the following sub-processes:</span>
<meta itemprop="name" content="Human resources management processes" />
<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="YaSM HR management processes: definitions" />
<p><span itemprop="description">YaSM's supporting service management process <i>'SP10: Manage human resources'</i> has the following sub-processes:</span>
<p><b><span id="SP10.1" itemprop="itemListElement">SP10.1: Identify the required skills</span></b></p>
<ul><li itemprop="description">Process objective: To identify the skills which need to be developed, based on an assessment of the current set of skills and future needs.</li></ul>
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<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="YaSM HR management process SP10.1" />
<dl id="SP10.1"><dt itemprop="name">SP10.1: Identify the required skills</dt>
<dd itemprop="description">Process objective: To identify the skills which need to be developed, based on an assessment of the current set of skills and future needs.</dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span id="SP10.2" itemprop="itemListElement">SP10.2: Develop the required skills</span></b></p>
<div itemprop="hasPart" itemid="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/SP10:_Manage_human_resources#process-SP10.2" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
<ul><li itemprop="description">Process objective: To define, organize and monitor training and education measures.</li></ul>
<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="YaSM HR management process SP10.2" />
<dl id="SP10.2"><dt itemprop="name">SP10.2: Develop the required skills</dt>
<dd itemprop="description">Process objective: To define, organize and monitor training and education measures.</dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span id="SP10.3" itemprop="itemListElement">SP10.3: Recruit new staff</span></b></p>
<div itemprop="hasPart" itemid="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/SP10:_Manage_human_resources#process-SP10.3" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
<ul><li itemprop="description">Process objective: To select and hire new staff in line with the service provider's skill requirements.</li></ul>
<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="YaSM HR management process SP10.3" />
</div><!-- end of schema.org/ItemList --><p></html>
<dl id="SP10.3"><dt itemprop="name">SP10.3: Recruit new staff</dt>
<dd itemprop="description">Process objective: To select and hire new staff in line with the service provider's skill requirements.</dd></dl>
</div><!-- end of schema.org/CreativeWork --><p></html>

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==Process outputs==
==Process outputs==

<html><div itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/ItemList"><!-- define schema.org/ItemList -->
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<meta itemprop="itemListOrder" content="Ascending" />
<meta itemprop="name" content="YaSM process SP10: documents and records" />
<p>This section lists the <span itemprop="name">documents and records produced by <i>"Manage human resources"</i>"</span>. YaSM data objects <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a> are marked with an asterisk, while other objects are displayed in gray.</p>
<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="HR management process outputs" />
<meta itemprop="alternateName" content="Human resources management data objects" />
<p><span itemprop="description">This section lists the documents and records produced by <i>'Manage human resources'</i>.</span> YaSM data objects <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a> are marked with an asterisk, while other objects are displayed in gray.</p>
<p><b><span itemprop="itemListElement">Budget request</span></b> <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></p>
<ul><li itemprop="description">A budget request is typically issued to obtain funding for setting up, improving or operating a service or process. An approved budget request means that the required financial resources have been allocated by the financial manager.</li></ul>
<dl><dt>Budget request</dt>
<dd>A budget request is typically issued to obtain funding for setting up, improving or operating a service or process. An approved budget request means that the required financial resources have been allocated by the financial manager. <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span id="Skills-development-plan" itemprop="itemListElement">Skills development plan</span></b> <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></p>
<dl id="Skills-development-plan"><dt>Skills development plan</dt>
<ul><li itemprop="description">The skills development plan is used to manage the acquisition of the skills required to deliver the service provider’s range of services. The addition of new items to the skills development plan is often triggered by the introduction of new services and/ or technologies.</li></ul>
<dd>The skills development plan is used to manage the acquisition of the skills required to deliver the service provider’s range of services. The addition of new items to the skills development plan is often triggered by the introduction of new services and/ or technologies. <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></dd></dl>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><b><span id="Skills-inventory" itemprop="itemListElement">Skills inventory</span></b> <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></p>
<dl id="Skills-inventory"><dt>Skills inventory</dt>
<ul><li itemprop="description">The skills inventory identifies the skills required to deliver the service provider's current and future range of services, as well as the individuals who possess those skills. The skills inventory is an important tool for identifying areas where skills need to be developed or improved.</li></ul>
<dd>The skills inventory identifies the skills required to deliver the service provider's current and future range of services, as well as the individuals who possess those skills. The skills inventory is an important tool for identifying areas where skills need to be developed or improved. <a href="#ydo" title="YaSM data object">[*]</a></dd></dl>
</div><!-- end of schema.org/ItemList --><p>
</div><!-- end of schema.org/CreativeWork --><p>

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<html><p>Process metrics are used, for example, to assess if the service management processes are running according to expectations.</p>
<html><p>Process metrics are used, for example, to assess if the service management processes are running according to expectations.</p>
<p>For suggestions of <a itemprop="significantLinks" href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/YaSM_Metrics" title="How to measure the performance of the YaSM processes - Process metrics">suitable metrics</a>, please refer to the <a itemprop="significantLinks" href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/YaSM_Metrics/_Supporting_Service_Management_Processes#metrics-sp10" title="Metrics for the YaSM process SP10: Manage human resources.">list of metrics for the YaSM HR management process</a>.</html>
<p>For suggestions of <a href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/YaSM_Metrics" title="How to measure the performance of the YaSM processes - Process metrics">suitable metrics</a>, please refer to the <a href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/index.php/YaSM_Metrics/_Supporting_Service_Management_Processes#metrics-sp10" title="Metrics for the YaSM process SP10: Manage human resources.">list of metrics for the YaSM HR management process</a>.</html>

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==[ Infobox ]==
== Notes ==
Is based on: The process for managing hman resources from the [https://yasm.com/en/products/yasm-process-map YaSM Process Map].
<html>By:&#160;&#160;Stefan Kempter&#160;<a rel="author" href="https://plus.google.com/111925560448291102517/about"><img style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" src="/wiki/en/img/yasm-wiki/bookmarking/google.jpg" width="16" height="16" title="By: Stefan Kempter | Profile on Google+" alt="Author: Stefan Kempter, IT Process Maps GbR" /></a>&#160;&#160;and&#160;&#160;Andrea Kempter&#160;<a href="https://plus.google.com/113316270668629760475/about"><img style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" src="/wiki/en/img/yasm-wiki/bookmarking/google.jpg" width="16" height="16" title="By: Andrea Kempter | Profile on Google+" alt="Contributor: Andrea Kempter, IT Process Maps GbR" /></a>, IT Process Maps.

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<td style="vertical-align:top"><a itemprop="primaryImageOfPage" href="https://yasm.com/wiki/en/img/yasm-process/Manage-human-resources-yasm-sp10.jpg" title="Manage human resources. - YaSM process SP10.">YaSM SP10: Manage human resources (.JPG)</a></td>
<td>Author | Contributor:</td>
<td><span itemprop="author">Stefan Kempter</span>&nbsp;<a rel="author" href="https://plus.google.com/111925560448291102517"><img style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" src="/wiki/en/img/yasm-wiki/bookmarking/google.jpg" width="16" height="16" title="By: Stefan Kempter | Profile on Google+" alt="Author: Stefan Kempter, IT Process Maps GbR" /></a> &nbsp; and <span itemprop="contributor">Andrea Kempter</span>&nbsp;<a href="https://plus.google.com/113316270668629760475"><img style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" src="/wiki/en/img/yasm-wiki/bookmarking/google.jpg" width="16" height="16" title="By: Andrea Kempter | Profile on Google+" alt="Contributor: Andrea Kempter, IT Process Maps GbR" /></a> &nbsp; - &nbsp; <span itemprop="creator copyrightHolder publisher">IT Process Maps</span>.</td>

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Revision as of 12:08, 15 November 2016

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Process name: Manage human resources - Part of: Supporting service management processes

Previous process: Ensure compliance

Next process: Manage suppliers


Process description

Fig. 1: Manage human resources. - YaSM Human Resources Management (HR) process SP10.
Figure 1: "Manage human resources". - YaSM supporting service management process SP10.

YaSM's process for managing human resources ("SP10: Manage human resources") identifies and provides the skills and levels of staff required for the service provider to achieve its objectives.

Once the set of required skills is established, the human resources manager will initiate suitable measures to acquire those skills, for example by organizing training and education programs or by recruiting new staff.

The skills available in the service provider organization are managed through the skills register, which describes the skills and lists the individuals who possess those skills.

Note: YaSM contains a basic process for managing human resources, which highlights the most important HR management activities and describes the interfaces with the other YaSM processes.



YaSM's supporting service management process 'SP10: Manage human resources' has the following sub-processes:


SP10.1: Identify the required skills
Process objective: To identify the skills which need to be developed, based on an assessment of the current set of skills and future needs.

SP10.2: Develop the required skills
Process objective: To define, organize and monitor training and education measures.

SP10.3: Recruit new staff
Process objective: To select and hire new staff in line with the service provider's skill requirements.


Process outputs

This section lists the documents and records produced by 'Manage human resources'. YaSM data objects [*] are marked with an asterisk, while other objects are displayed in gray.


Budget request
A budget request is typically issued to obtain funding for setting up, improving or operating a service or process. An approved budget request means that the required financial resources have been allocated by the financial manager. [*]

Skills development plan
The skills development plan is used to manage the acquisition of the skills required to deliver the service provider’s range of services. The addition of new items to the skills development plan is often triggered by the introduction of new services and/ or technologies. [*]

Skills inventory
The skills inventory identifies the skills required to deliver the service provider's current and future range of services, as well as the individuals who possess those skills. The skills inventory is an important tool for identifying areas where skills need to be developed or improved. [*]



[*] "YaSM data objects" are those documents or records for which the YaSM model provides detailed recommendations: Every YaSM object has an associated checklist (see example) describing its typical contents, and an associated lifecycle diagram depicting how the status of the object changes as it is created, updated, read and archived by various YaSM processes (see example).

"Other objects" are mostly informal data or information where YaSM has less strong views about their contents. There are no associated lifecycle diagrams or checklists.


Process metrics

Process metrics are used, for example, to assess if the service management processes are running according to expectations.

For suggestions of suitable metrics, please refer to the list of metrics for the YaSM HR management process.


Roles and responsibilities

Process owner: Human resources manager

  • This role ensures that the service provider employs the right balance of staff in terms of skills and experience. The human resources (HR) manager is also responsible for identifying gaps in the organization's current set of skills and for organizing any required skill development initiatives, in line with the service provider's objectives.


Responsibility matrix: "SP10: Manage human resources"
YaSM role / sub-process Human resources manager
SP10.1 Identify the required skills AR
SP10.2 Develop the required skills AR
SP10.3 Recruit new staff AR



Is based on: The process for managing hman resources from the YaSM Process Map.

By:  Stefan Kempter   and  Andrea Kempter Contributor: Andrea Kempter, IT Process Maps GbR, IT Process Maps.


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