YaSM Metrics/ Service Lifecycle Processes

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Fig. 1: Metrics for the YaSM service lifecycle processes.


YaSM metrics: Process metrics for the service lifecycle processes

Part of: YaSM process metrics

Proceed to: Process metrics for the supporting processes

How to measure the performance of the YaSM service lifecycle processes? The following tables provide you with suggestions for quantitative and qualitative process metrics.


Metrics for the service strategy process

Process metrics: "Set the strategic direction"
Quantitative process metrics Definition
Number of strategic reviews
  • Number of strategic reviews performed during the reporting period.
Number of strategic objectives
  • Number of strategic objectives defined following strategic reviews.
Number of strategic initiatives
  • Number of strategic initiatives launched during the reporting period.
Qualitative process metrics Definition
Share of strategic objectives pursued through initiatives
  • Percentage of strategic objectives which are being actively pursued with defined strategic initiatives.
Number of successful strategic initiatives
  • Number of strategic initiatives which were successfully completed during the reporting period.
Number of new services introduced
  • Number of new or significantly changed services which were introduced following a strategic review.
Number of service improvements implemented
  • Number of service improvements implemented due to insights gained during strategic reviews.
Number of services retired due to strategic reviews
  • Number of services which were retired due to insights gained during a strategic review.
Number of process improvements implemented
  • Number of process improvements implemented due to insights gained during strategic reviews.

Process description | → top



Metrics for the service design process

Process metrics: "Design new or changed services"
Quantitative process metrics Definition
Number of service designs
  • Number of new or significantly changed services designed during the reporting period.
Number of service implementation blueprints
  • Number of implementation blueprints produced for new or significantly changed services.
Number of requirements specifications
  • Number of requirements specifications produced for infrastructure items or other service components which were needed to provide new or significantly changed services.
Qualitative process metrics Definition
Percentage of new services introduced using the service design process
  • Percentage of new or significantly changed services which were introduced using the documented service design process vs. new services introduced without using that process.
Number of renegotiated service requirements
  • Number of new or significantly changed services where the original requirements had to be renegotiated during the design phase, possibly grouped by reasons like "Economically unfeasible", "Technically unfeasible", ...
Number of services unexpectedly impacted
  • Number of other services which were unexpectedly found to be impacted by the introduction of new or significantly changed services, due to errors made during the service design phase.
Completeness of service implementation blueprints
  • Percentage of service implementation blueprints which covered all required aspects. There may be one metric for every aspect covered, for example "Percentage of blueprints covering capacity and performance aspects", "Percentage of blueprints covering availability aspects", ...
Percentage of designed services not delivering the expected outcomes
  • Percentage of new or significantly changed services that failed to deliver the expected outcomes due to errors made during the service design phase.

Process description | → top



Metrics for the service build process

Process metrics: "Build new or changed services"
Quantitative process metrics Definition
Number of new services implemented
  • Number of new or significantly changed services implemented during the reporting period.
Number of tests and test cases
  • Number of tests and test cases carried out, possibly grouped by services to be implemented, test types, ...
Qualitative process metrics Definition
Percentage of new services introduced using the service build process
  • Percentage of new or significantly changed services which were introduced using the documented service build process vs. new services introduced without using that process.
Duration of service implementation
  • Duration of service implementation projects from autho-rization of the service development project to confirmation of service readiness.
Percentage of automatic software distribution
  • Percentage of software components deployed by means of automated distribution.
Percentage of failed component acceptance tests
  • Percentage of service components which failed to pass acceptance tests.
Number of identified errors
  • Number of identified errors during testing, possibly grouped by services to be implemented, test types, ...
Time for error fixing
  • Average times until re-submission of fixed components after errors were found, possibly grouped by services to be imple-mented, component types, ...
Incidents caused by new service components
  • Number of incidents attributable to newly deployed service components, grouped by services and service components.
Percentage of implemented services not delivering the expected outcomes
  • Percentage of new or significantly changed services which failed to deliver the expected outcomes due to errors made during the service build phase.

Process description | → top



Metrics for the service operation process

Process metrics: "Operate the services"
Quantitative process metrics Definition
Number of services monitored
  • Number of services which are constantly monitored in order to pro-actively avoid service interruptions or deficiencies in service quality.
Number of services where quality is measured and reported
  • Number of services whose quality levels are regularly measured and reported, as a basis for improving the services.
Number of generated significant events
  • Number of events generated by event monitoring systems, grouped by categories (e.g. events related to particular systems, events requiring human interaction, events triggering an automated response, ...).
Qualitative process metrics Definition
Share of monitored services
  • Percentage of services which are constantly monitored.
Share of automated responses to events
  • Number of events where an automated response is triggered vs. the total number of events requiring a response.
Share of services with quality reporting
  • Percentage of services whose quality levels are regularly measured and reported.
Number of service incidents due to inadequate maintenance
  • Number of service incidents which could have been avoided by more adequate preventive maintenance.
Number of service level breaches
  • Number of service levels breached, possibly grouped by types of service level, services, clients, ...
Unused capacity
  • Percentage of capacity reserves at times of normal and maximum demand, possibly grouped by services, systems, ...
Number of improvement initiatives
  • Number of issues detected during service quality reporting which result in a service improvement initiative being started.

Process description | → top



Metrics for the incident resolution process

Process metrics: "Resolve incidents and service requests"
Quantitative process metrics Definition
Number of incidents and service requests
  • Number of incidents and service requests logged by 1st level support, possibly grouped by priorities, categories, clients, ...
Number of major incidents
  • Number of incidents resolved by invoking the special procedure for major incidents.
Qualitative process metrics Definition
Average initial response time
  • Average delay between the time a user reported an incident or service request and the time that 1st level support responded to that incident or request, possibly grouped by priorities, categories, clients, ...
Average resolution time
  • Average time for resolving incidents or service requests, possibly grouped by priorities, categories, clients, ...
Resolution within agreed time
  • Percentage of incidents and service requests resolved within the target resolution times specified in the service agreements, possibly grouped by priorities, categories, clients, ...
First time resolution rate
  • Percentage of incidents and service requests resolved by 1st level support during the first call, possibly grouped by priorities, categories, clients, ...
Number of standard incidents and service requests
  • Number of incidents and service requests which were resolved by applying known resolution methods (typically defined in incident models) , possibly grouped by priorities, categories, clients, ...
Incidents resolved remotely
  • Number of incidents and service requests resolved remotely (i.e. without carrying out work at the user's location), possibly grouped by priorities, categories, clients, ...
Incidents resolved pro-actively
  • Number of incidents reported and resolved pro-actively (i.e. incidents resolved before impacting business processes on the client side), possibly grouped by priorities, categories, clients, ...
Share of escalated incidents
  • Percentage of incidents where a hierarchic escalation occurred.
Average resolution effort
  • Average work effort for resolving incidents and service requests, possibly grouped by priorities, categories, clients, ...

Process description | → top



Metrics for the problem resolution process

Process metrics: "Resolve problems"
Quantitative process metrics Definition
Number of resolved problems
  • Number of resolved problems, possibly grouped by priorities, categories, ...
Number of workarounds
  • Number of workarounds provided to incident management.
Qualitative process metrics Definition
Average resolution time
  • Average time for resolving problems, possibly grouped by priorities, categories, ...
Problems identified pro-actively
  • Percentage of problems raised as part of the pro-active problem identification process.
Number of incidents per known problem
  • Number of reported incidents linked to the same problem after a problem has been identified.
Average time until identification of the cause
  • Average time between problem registration and identification of the underlying cause.
Average resolution effort
  • Average work effort for resolving problems, possibly grouped by priorities, categories, ...

Process description | → top



Metrics for the service improvement process

Process metrics: "Improve the services"
Quantitative process metrics Definition
Number of service reviews
  • Number of formal service reviews carried out during the reporting period.
Qualitative process metrics Definition
Number of identified weaknesses
  • Number of weaknesses to be addressed by improvement initiatives which were identified during service reviews, possibly grouped by services.
Number of defined service improvement initiatives
  • Number of defined improvement initiatives, resulting from identified weaknesses during service reviews, possibly grouped by services.
Number of successful service improvement Initiatives
  • Number of service improvement initiatives which were completed successfully during the reporting period, possibly grouped by services.

Process description | → top




Based on: Service lifecycle process metrics from the YaSM Process Map.

By:  Andrea Kempter   and  Stefan Kempter Contributor: Stefan Kempter, IT Process Maps GbR, IT Process Maps.


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